by Jonathan May Publisher: Hollow Square Press/CreateSpace, 2013 ISBN-10: 1507596871 ISBN-13: 978-1507596876 (Available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online bookstores or through your local bookstore. The Kindle edition is available through Amazon) Here they are in the last group photo ever made of them. That's King David (usually called Dave or Mr. Dave) and Annie Pearl (friends dropped the Annie) seated in the center. Behind them stand, from left to right, King, Porter, Annie Lee, and Martha Julia. Jimmy kneels beside his father. Seated on the ground are Louise and Fletcher. In this short memoir, the author records some of his memories of his maternal grandparents and their seven children, clearly but affectionately, and speculates about their personalities and interrelationships. To his great surprise, he finds that he loves them more as he thinks about their lives and their times and the town where they grew up. |
This book and the companion volumes Rants, Raves, Ruminations, and Ramblifactions: Musings from a Hamlet and Telling Stories: Fragments of a Life provide as good an account of the family, life and times, and some of the opinions of Jonathan May as the world is likely to see. For that possibly the world might be grateful. All of these are tell-somes instead of tell-alls, and the author does do a lot of speculation, carefully (he thinks) labeled.