Having just self-published White on Black in eBook and paperback through Kindle Direct Publishing, the matter of editing and production of books is much [just corrected from mush] on my mind. Production first, to get that behind us. The paperback looked perfect in the online proof on the Kindle publishing site, so I bravely hit the PUBLISH button. I did order a proof copy, and it arrived nearly 2 weeks later. Cover looked reasonably okay, and then I opened it. Page numbers at top were all cut off, and the first line of book text was at top of the page. That was bad. I had goofed. Back to the drawing board re design. |
![]() Flora Eloise Pickens was born on October 6, 1886 into great wealth and social position on Umbria Plantation in Sawyerville, Alabama. She died on August 12, 1964 as a charity case at the nursing home in Greensboro, her only possessions being her wedding ring and a photograph of her late husband, Will Lunsford, who had died in 1943. She had pawned that wedding ring, but a niece, upon discovering that, had redeemed it and restored it to her.
April 2024