I knew I wanted to see Doctor Strange on the really big screen, for I expected it to have great visuals. It did. Spectacular, lovely, and appropriate. I had not expected a screenplay nearly so well written and directed with so much wit and charm. I expected Benedict Cumberbatch to be more than competent, and actually he turns in one of his best and most |
I wasn’t sure that I would see Arrival in the theater, but at the last minute Friday I decided to run up to Tuscaloosa for the first showing. Where the look of “Doctor Strange” is incredibly fanciful, this one is based in a sort of blue-gray reality. Things look real. It is not as fast as the other one, but it is incredibly nimble on its feet, something you may well not realize until the |
Driving home that afternoon I was thinking how both movies, different in so many ways, involve thinking outside the box. Not a bad theme to share.